The 3 Week Diet

22 Ekim 2015 Perşembe

The Best Diet Plan For Fat Loss

When it comes to fat loss, the best way to go about it is definitely through proper dieting. However, if you search for diet plans on the internet, most likely you are going to see various kinds of diet plans. It might be very confusing because every single one of them promises the best results. Let us take a look at some examples of popular diet plans that are flowing around:
Ketogenic Diet a.k.a Low Carbohydrate Diet

Low Fat Diet

Fruits & Vegetables ONLY Diet

Skip The Rice Diet (yes, it exists)

No Eating After 8p.m. Diet (not really a diet plan but we all know it’s very common)

Paleo Diet

The lists go on and on but let’s just have a look at these few popular diet plans. So, which of these is the best diet plan for fat loss? Try to take a guess before we get to the answer…

The Answer
 The answer is…NONE. Yes, you heard me right. None.
Before you get a little upset by the answer, allow me to justify my answer. Most of the diet plans out there are NOT the best diet plan for fat loss simply because:
  • They make you skip foods you like.
  • They make you feel weak and miserable.
  • They are unable to sustain as a lifestyle diet.
You might suffer health issues from some of those. (e.g. fruits & veggies only diet)Thus, just by these few reasons alone, we can see that these diet plans are not suitable for most people. I myself have learned it the hard way through trial and error. 

I would try all the extreme diets to get the fastest results possible and end up giving up all the time, making zero progress in the end. 
Sounds familiar?

But then, what is the ACTUAL best diet plan for fat loss?

The REAL Answer
In fact, the answer is pretty simple. We often complicate things because we think they should be. The best diet plan for fat loss is the one that:
  • You can still enjoy foods you like.
  • You feel good and energetic all the time.
  • You are able to sustain it as a lifestyle diet.
  • It takes into account your nutritional needs as well.

Yes! It’s that simple, really. The best diet plan for fat loss is the one that caters to all your needs and goals. It does not have to be an extreme diet plan like the above that makes you torture yourself only to get temporary and minimal results.

Bottom Line
There’s no such thing as the best diet plan for fat loss. Any diet plan that you enjoy and able to sustain for life is the best diet plan. It’s all about making it into a lifestyle, cause we’re doing it for life, right?

If you are interested in taking charge and design your own diet plan specifically for your fitness goals to get the best results, look out for my next post!

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